(Thomas Haig-picture of me)
1.Identify your thoughts.
What are you thinking about? write it down. If you don't know what you're thinking about then write down exactly what is on your mind at this very moment and start from there.
2. Look at it in perspective.
Your problem is not as big as you think it is, only your brain has allowed you too see it as bigger than it is. I've always being wary of saying this because I've seen in the past people say, its not like you're in Africa starving, this adds guilt not perspective.
3. You are loved.
Now, you might think how is that relevant to quieting your mind but knowing your loved means you can rest in the peace that everything will work out okay in some way or another, it allows you to let go of control and to stop working everything out. Its really strange, the more I reminded myself I am loved; the less busy my brain got because its all going to be okay someway or another because I'm bigger than my brain, I can choose to see the problem in perspective.
4. Rise above the thought and replace it with a positive thought.
You DON'T have to have it all worked out. You don't have to suffer with that thought. Start building new highways in your brain by choosing a positive thought.
5. Look outwards not inwards. The world is still turning
Look at the world, have you ever noticed that pretty flower? probably not because you were too busy in your own head. The world is changing, it is now spring. In England, this means flowers and new animals; don't miss all that trying to be superwomen or superman.
6. Stop trying to control others have some perspective.
You have no control over what they say and do, as you let it go that you don't. You don't have to fix the world. Lots of our suffering comes from trying to control the world.
7. Jump from the fear of the unknown and the fear of losing control.
You did all you could, now let go. Let the fear go. Most roots to busy brained is trying to do everything figure it all out.
8. Turn it off, get out the door.
No, don't text. Ring your friend, meet them face to face. Do something that you enjoy. For me, its seeing a movie, talking, going for meal. I hate nightclubs so that would never work.
9. Rome wasn't built in a day.
Learning to rest and quiet yourself is a process, you might not do amazing the first few times.
10. There is something bigger than you.
Focusing on yourself just makes it worse, trying to figure it all out just ends in frustration. The world is turning regardless of you, jump in and go with the flow and enjoy the ride. Someone made this world who is stronger than you, thinks clearer than you. Its not your job to be God and try and sort all your thoughts out and think why to everything! sometimes its just your job to do all you can and trust that the rest will all somehow fall into place.
11. Start to trust people a little bit.
My busy brain came from dis-trust mostly, I didn't trust people had the best intentions; granted not everyone does. But don't be so harsh, slowly trust other people; in all honesty at some point they will break it, but who won't? please here the balance and don't be extreme- don't give them all or nothing, just give them the chance to earn your trust. if they love you and they break it, they have had your best interests at heart. When you can trust, you can delegate. A mother with 4 young children? why not do carpool and get someone else to pick the kids up on day and you do it the next.
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