I think its fair to say it was a box office smash. Why?
There is a massive following. Fanatics who love the comics and therefore love the movies. It was a risk for Marvel to put them into movie form it would be a success or a failure no too way, either all the fans who have adopted these characters as their friends and...well, their hero's. I am not a comic book fan, I watched the movies because I was curious. What I saw was not just a well acted, well produced entertaining movie. I saw something deeper going on, how the movies unbeknowingly, showcased painful issues within humanity.
There is something deeper going on...
1.Superheros represent being saved from destruction, catastrophe they are giving life. Being protected, held and being safe. In 2007 the recession hit, which has being called the worst recession since the great depression of the 1920's. We need to be rescued, superhero movies represent this. I wish I had Captain America to protect me, fight for justice. I wish I had Thor to throw his hammer at all my problems, I wish I had Superman to catch when I'm falling and feeling lost in the unknow.
2. More specifically The Avengers movies show different superhero's who are used to saving the day having to work together to collectively in unity have to save the day; is that not like human nature? do we not get too caught up in trying to be the hero? and seeing what we can do and stating how the problem should be solved by ourselves, that we forget to work together to solve the issue and give up our egos for the greater good. There is a scene where Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr) and Captain American (Chris Evans) are arguing about how to solve an issue, Iron man believes he has all the answers while Captain America thinks they should wait for orders and do it as a group. They end up arguing, this scene was really powerful for me, we have to work together not alone; we are called for community to solve issues together.
3. Thor 1 &2 ; brings up this idea of complex love, of not belonging, feeling like a misfit, the complexities of arrogance. Thor, the God of Thunder- so arrogant his Dad takes away his potential kingship until he can be wise enough to know how to rule and reign. Loki, his misfit brother the God mischief; really just hurt and feeling rejected so he acts out. In the second movie we see him vulnerable because thats who he really is underneath the bravado. I've done that before, I'm sure you have too.
4. Superman taught me that I have talents I need to harness. Every strength, is also a weakness. Your greatest strength is your greatest weakness, for example, if you have to gift of being able to speak to other people you may also have the tendency to talk to much. IF you have the ability to be organised and are type A personality, you may also be controlling and bossy. Superman didn't understand why he could see, or grasp why he could understand what he did. He had a gift but it needed refining.
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