Thursday, 10 April 2014

We need to find a balance in sexuality.

Why do we have to label girls as either a woman who sleeps with many men or frigid? 

We need to find a balance in sexuality. Its either, everyone take their clothes off and its a free-for-all and you can do whatever you like with no boundaries, or its completely the other way entirely where there are so many rules and anything but covering up and talking and being ''pure'' is acceptable. 

Its just really really angering me, that there is no balance in society. We either are ashamed talking about sex or are showing it off like the latest gadget. 

Terms like "slag" and "slut" are thrown around so easily. There are plenty of reasons why we have these problems in society, of course the consumption of pornography is a massive problem in creating unrealistic views of sexuality and convincing people that sex is free and on tap but there is a bigger problem...

The fact we won't even have a healthy conversation about sex. 

If we maybe just opened the dialogue we wouldn't have such unhealthy views because all of the 'hush hush' would be less. If we talked in a healthy way about the subject, its natural, created by love to be enjoyed in love and in the boundaries of love then we wouldn't have such a hard time talking about it. How about when young people get curious we just bite the bullet and answer there questions that are just coming from a heart that wants to understand this natural part of life? 

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