Wednesday, 26 March 2014

My own worst enemy when it comes to hurt.

We always think others are the reason for our unhappiness, for our failures, for our lives. What they said, it hurt, it stuck and now its haunting our minds. That niggle,that lie the one that you just think may take you down and you see their face every time that lie breaches your brains walls. What they said that you are reminded of, every time you attempt something new. Those words of loved ones that stung and cut so deep. That harsh treatment from those people, that injustice that stops us living our lives. These are all problems we all face in our lives. Events, circumstance and things that happen that are not our fault and our out of our control. You can't help what offenses were done against you, that was anothers choice. BUT right now, in the midst of your pain you have a choice. I choice to go forward, to keep wading through treacle. To keep putting one foot in front of the other. What they said, made us unhappy, when we failed it felt hard and our lives were hindered when they acted in that horrible way. Acknowledge it, accept what they did. Look it in the face and deal with it. Here are 6 steps I've used for dealing with hurt.

6 Steps to dealing with hurt:

  • accept what they did and acknowledge it. It really hurt and was really really painful. 
  • Write it all down.
  • Forgive the person who did it (its not justifying them, its saying its out of your control and you won't see active revenge) 
  • REMEMBER it was a lie, how they treated you was not how you should be treated and was not an account of your character; I struggle with this one but perseverance gets you through. 
  • Choose a truth to declare and believe that about yourself. For me, its telling myself I'm loved no matter what. 
  • When the hurt tries to remind you again, choose with all your might to tell that lie you have dealt with it. 
The hurt may take a few times to be dealt with before it leaves, you may have to repeat the steps over and over but eventually a new highway will be built in your brain. 

The problem is what I've found is that I am my own worst enemy because what someone said was their choice, but how I responded was mine. Rather than dealing with this straight away, I let it fester and think myself into a headache running what happened over and over again. This makes me my own worst enemy because I took the lie on board and kept it on board. I've got to stop being my own worst enemy and be my own best friend.

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