When you are entitled you believe you have to wait for everything to be given too you. You don't believe you can achieve your dreams...
When you have to wait for everyone to be given to you, you can't go and get it yourself. Meaning you are powerless to your own strength and not in-charge of your destiny.We've all heard that this generation doesn't want to work and is incredibly entitled... also depressed and anxious - more so than any other generation. Why? Because they are waiting for their moment, unaware they can seize their moment and chase their dreams. While waiting they've being depressed, down cast and don't believe in themselves to get their dreams so they just sit and wait.
Now, this excludes those genuinely lazy people - those who don't want to work and are entitled because they 'can't be bothered'- they should get off their backsides and start to wake up and smell the coffee.